Beer Couple Visits During 50th Anniversary

Richard and Ann Beer try to visit Kevin Guest House each year, delivering every day items to our patients & families to enjoy and stopped by our 50th Anniversary Celebration and exchanged stories with the Garvey siblings & reminisce about how the original house used to look. As we gave a tour of the some of the renovations taking place on the 3rd floor of his families original home, he remembered the third floor was reserved for the staff who supported the Speyser Beer family and as we entered room 8, he proudly exclaimed “that’s where my grandfather was born”. Richard told of memories of family gatherings in the living room, like this one where the family is pictured together and sits on the mantle on the first floor each day. He and Ann reminded us that the grand staircase was taken out when the youngest daughter was about to be married and she wanted her daughter to remain in this house with her after marriage. So one side of the house was the daughters and the other the mother. We are so grateful for the fun stories and trips down memory lane, but most importantly for the Beer families continued commitment to our guests each year.

Beer Couple with Tom, Denis & Hugh Garvey

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