Forseti Protection Group, a leading security and consulting firm, has formed a strategic
partnership with Kevin Guest House.
As the first independent, healthcare hospitality house in America, Kevin Guest House has served as a
model for over 600 houses across the country. Their mission of providing a comfortable and supportive
home away from home for patients and families and their vision to set the standard for compassionate
guest care lead them to collaborate with Forseti Protection Group.
“Compassionate care for our guests includes their safety,” Kevin Guest House Executive Director Lynsey
Zimdahl Weaver said. “This strategic partnership bolsters the position of Kevin Guest House as a leading
provider of comfortable, supportive care for families seeking medical treatment here in WNY, with the
added bonus of knowing they are safer than ever before.”
“We look forward to collaborating with Kevin Guest House and helping them enhance their safety and
security in and around their historic property,” Forseti Protection Group President, Mario Rodriguez said.
“We continue to strive to enhance the WNY community and our company’s leadership in the security
About Kevin Guest House
Kevin Guest House has been welcoming guests to the Western New York community since 1972.
Founded by Claudia and Cyril Garvey in honor of their son Kevin, who passed away at age 13 after a
battle with leukemia, Kevin Guest House was America’s first healthcare hospitality house.
About Forseti Protection Group
Forseti Protection Group is a leading Security Consulting Firm in Western New York. The company’s
expert security consultants provide services such as active shooter training, risk and threat assessments,
workplace violence prevention, crisis management planning and more.
Business organizations, places of worship or schools concerned about their need for detailed and robust
security planning and training can reach out to Forseti Protection Group for assistance.
For more information contact Mario Rodriguez at 855-FORSETI or or Amy
Moritz, Kevin Guest House at 716-882-1818 or